Patates Dolbec: A successful transition to 4.0

A major challenge

For several years now, Epsilia has enjoyed a solid partnership with Patates Dolbec, a renowned potato grower. Through this fruitful collaboration, we have been able to put in place efficient processes and optimal traceability, guaranteeing the quality and safety of every product, from the field to your plate.

Harvesting and traceability

We harvest the potatoes in the field, which are then loaded onto a truck. It is then sent to our warehouses for unloading. To ensure optimum traceability, I use a computer equipped with Epsilia numbers to locate products. Each batch of potatoes is assigned a trailer number, enabling us to trace the precise origin, location, quantity and weight of the harvest.

A fruitful collaboration with Epsilia

When the truck arrives at our warehouse, we integrate its data into our computer system. Once this stage has been completed, we proceed to unloading. Each box is fitted with an RFID chip associated with a barcode. Once the box has been created by the packer and its contents identified, including product variety, origin, etc., it is handled by forklift drivers and stored in a specific location.

Towards 4.0

Once all the potatoes are stored in the warehouse, they remain there for a year. During this period, we first consume potatoes in bulk, then in boxes according to customer needs.

Automation of the production process

The process is quite simple. How does it work? First we use the batch destined for the washing line, where the potatoes are washed. They are then selected according to criteria defined by filters integrated into our IT systems, and grouped into boxes.

Palletizing and shipping

In one of the modules of Epsilia’s Transfo solution, we create our items and also generate a palletization code that enables us to automate the finished goods process. Operators ensure that all traceability information is correctly recorded, that the weight is correct, and that sealing is carried out correctly.

Remarkable results

The process is quite simple. How does it work? First we use the batch destined for the washing line, where the potatoes are washed. They are then selected according to criteria defined by filters integrated into our IT systems, and grouped into boxes.

Commitment to full traceability

Every year, millions of bags of potatoes leave our facilities at Patates Dolbec, each with its own detailed history: date packed, washing line used, date placed in storage, origin in a specific box, warehouse of origin, field of harvest, operator responsible and equipment used.

This example clearly illustrates our commitment to exhaustive, crucial traceability from the field to your plate. This traceability is essential to guarantee food safety and ensure rigorous monitoring of each of our harvested raw materials.

Josée Petitclerc, Marketing and Continuous Improvement Manager, Patates Dolbec